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A born athlete with a large body and a dense, long-flowing coat designed to protect it from harsh winter weather, the Norwegian Forest Cat makes a loving and communicative companion.  The NFC (It is also known as a Norsk Skogkatt, a Wegie, a Norskogkatt, Norskskaukatt or simply Skogkatt in Norway) is one of the strongest, most beautiful cats.  

The NFC is a large cat breed; it is typically larger and stronger than the average cat. In fact, alongside the Maine Coon and the Ragdoll it is one of the three largest breeds of pedigreed cats in the world.The NFC is often compared with the Maine Coon as they have a number of similar characteristics in addition to size.This majestic animal is considered a sturdy, well-muscled cat although it is a bit of a late developer.The NFC does not reach full maturity, or full adult size, until around 5 years old.

For a male, a big NFC would weigh 7 kg or more, with the average being between 5.5kg and 7 kg. An average female is slighter smaller, normally between 4 and  5.5kgs when full grown. To give some perspective, the average domestic cat weighs between  3 and 4.5kgs.

This kitty is considered a semi-longhaired animal, with two coats to keep it beautifully warm and waterproofed during Scandinavian winters.

The top coat is a longer, coarse guard coat. Underneath is a denser undercoat. And a NFC kitten can take up to six months to grow in their top coat, which means they keep that soft baby-fuzz feel for precious extra weeks! Sporting a mane-like ruff, tufted paws and a bushy tail, the NFC is made for surviving chilly temperatures.The NFC has a lower-maintenance coat than many long-haired cats. It only requires one to two grooming sessions per week to protect against matting.

Physical Characteristics

Their body shape and double coat are what makes this cat so unique. The Norwegian Forest Cat’s well-balanced body structure, equilateral triangle-shaped head and bright emerald green eyes (with a band of gold) also gives it an aura of mystery, while its broad chest and well-developed muscles display the cat’s power and strength.



Though they commonly are seen in brown tabby and white, the Norwegian Forest Cat can come in every possible coat pattern and color combination (with the exception of the colorpoint colors).


The breed’s dense and long-flowing hair provides excellent protection in the winter (and makes it a soft cuddling partner).


Personality and Temperament

Activity Level   -   temperament is one of royalty. It is very intelligent and moderately active

Although this breed has spent years in the wilderness, it prefers to cuddle rather than display any aggression. Behind this rugged exterior lies a cat with a sweet disposition and affectionate nature. Moreover, the Forest Cat is able to quickly adjust to new people or environments and isn't easily upset. 

In our experience & opinion, they're very similar in temperament to Ragdolls


Things to Consider

Curious and playful, the breed will explore every nook and corner of the house, including the top of cupboards and book cases. 


Norwegian Forest Cat Care

Ideal Living Conditions

Though they're adaptable, the Norwegian Forest Cat is an active breed that requires plenty of exercise and stimulation throughout the day.

Special Requirements

This breed is unique in its ability to change its coat dramatically in accordance with the weather. During spring, it molts its heavy winter coat and dons a lighter one. In Autumn the cat will again molt and shed its summer coat. When it molts, the breed needs a thorough combing. During the rest of the year, however, it requires very little grooming.


Norwegian Forest Cat Health

Health conditions seen in this and many other breeds can include:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) a common heart conditions in cats

  • Hip dysplasia

  • These hardy kitties have an average lifespan of over 12.5 years. Some research even shows they live between 15 and 20 years.

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